by Esteban Gómez Gutiérrez
I read my The cloud chamber , Alfonso Xen Rabanal and I'm shocked. Under the guise of a narrative puke hides a defense against the world. The world is a shit, lets people manipulate and nothing changes but the years pass. The spirit of the sheep we have, and the alternative is living on the margins of society. But the loneliness it rots the brains used to fight and, moreover, is not living a solution. Bufa
writes from the gut to ask himself what to do how to act right in front of what the world offers. Immediately sympathize with his kamikaze philosophy. Host to Host knocked down the walls, and someone has to say.
A week later I called Jose Angel Barrueco and Mario Crespo : preparing an anthology and tell me. What's it, I ask. Is entitled With two balls and has to do with what is written from the gut. Flipo. I tell them that is done, that I have the text in my head, I just read the novel and I have Bufa clear. Clear clear. Whitey.
few weeks ago that the book is rolling through the libraries of this country. Already made some presentations and there will be many more. Is no longer called with two balls. There was a sort of vote among which we participated in it and won Visceral, is a title as strong as before, but less explicit.
Mario and Jose Angel has brought together 40 authors to write a text visceral. Some of them alone are visceral, others are visceral at times and some of them only occasionally vomit. In any case, the list is enviable, and has first-authors. But what is irrelevant is that many of these authors are also involved in Bliss and participate in new upstream Narrating , the anthology that prepares Sir Bonilla from The Other Side of the Mirror . These are the guys on the other hand, the bad guys in this narrative, the incorruptible, the mavericks. Zine creators, always ready to provide alternatives to life-threatening asocial corporate systems. A heart found drunk life while writing for your faithful readers. They are not part of the system, so it's hard to gear promotes them much further. However, I am sure the authors will be named in the future as the people who brought something new, who took over from the rebellion and transmitted to other generations.
To prove just have to read his writings, see his soul bare, to feel the sting of their narrative proposals. Visceral allow that, and angry young readers discover the teachers and Karmelo CLOTHING Iribarren, Montero Glez and Enrique Vila-Matas, finding that from 20 years old Adrian to 50 of Salem, the road Rabies is clearly marked, and the fury it passes narrative scraping the asphalt. These tracks, just those, which will eventually see the new generations as they seek a reference, when they ask: "Knowing what was going on," nobody did anything? ". This anthology
have excluded themselves all those authors who deny the confessional writing, which abhor and prohibit according to his holy commandments. One day they found out that even creating fiction, all part of inner feelings close to the visceral. Even the most fantastic stories.
The end result is a narrative puzzle quite complete a microcosm that reflects the reality of today's writing in Spain marginal writing, of course, that of the shade. The English publishing totalitarian sun is sufficiently powerful and dangerous to let these stories are offered to him without loss of freshness. Knowing this, we can only enjoy reading are rarely printed.

Visceral Collection: Open Wind ISBN: 978-84-96964-76-1
Format: 14 x 22 cm Format: Paperback
Number of pages: 216 Price: 18.00 euros
Edition: Mario Crespo and José Ángel Barrueco
Is primarily visceral anger, sincerity, heart, liver, kidneys, heat and nakedness: a book that contains forty years of literary honesty, forty outbursts, forty dissections, forty vomit. Different styles, different trends, different labels, different generations, different authors, but one common denominator: the guts on paper. Payroll
Enrique Vila-Matas, Marcelo Lujan, Marta Fernandez La Bohe, Alberto Haj-Saleh, Safrika, Carlos Herrero, Tomas Sanchez Santiago, Carlos Salem, Gsus Bonilla, Lucia Fraga, Adriana Bañares, Vicente Muñoz Alvarez, Javier Esteban, David Murders, Joaquín Piqueras, María Couceiro, Sonia Fides, Manuel Vilas, Jorge Espina, Brenda Ascoz, Roxana Popelka, David Refoyo, David González, Francesco Spinoglio, Patxi Irurzun, Iñaki Echarte Vidal, Julio Valdeón Blanco, Alejandra Zina, Esteban Gutiérrez Gómez, Inma Luna, José Manuel Vara, Mario Crespo, Daniel Ruiz García, Ana Pérez Cañamares, Estelle Talavera Baudet, Kutxi Romero, José Angel Barrueco, Montero González, C. Karmelo Iribarren, Javier Alfonso Xen Das and Rabanal
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