Monday, January 31, 2011

Personalized Napkins, Logo Upload

Following a bit with the previous post, we continue to speak in this case Forex Market .

What is Forex Market?
are the investments we make on the various currencies listed on the market.
are the Euro Dollar and the most amount of investment accumulated, although the number of foreign exchange is high.

How Investing in Forex ?
are many companies that offer these services, but personally I recommend one that you can start investing money in a simulated "unreal" in this way to begin to become familiar with this market and not risk money when you're still new to the sector.

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This other site also can help you while you give the first push to initiate you in Forex: Forex Manual.
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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Do Travel Busses Have Power Outlets

Ángel Guinda, Madrid

Bottomless Public Women

Presentation" Heche in Lavapiés "FNAC-Callao. 31 de enero. 19:00

(for larger image click on the poster)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Thank For Church Donation Letter

" visceral, "he debut in Zamora

reading texts and presentation of the anthology

Visceral ,

assistance from:

David Refoyo
Mario Crespo
David González José Angel Barrueco

Saturday, January 29. 22:00.

Avalon Café.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Male Brazilian Orange County Ca

Presentation of the first book of LVR [Revised edition

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Things Men Masterbate With

Agora Raúl Núñez

just been published in digital format The new issue of Murcia "Agora " containing an article by Joaquín Piqueras ( Unusual ) on Raúl Núñez.

can desgargártela here:

Open publication - Free publishing - More

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sacramento Bath Houses

Patients by BP spill ask for help in the Gulf of Mexico

Dahr Jamail
The people of the Gulf of Mexico claimed the U.S. government care and support to disease that is causing the oil spill of the multinational British Petroleum (BP).

The hydrocarbon began spreading on April 20, when the rig Deepwater Horizon Navigation, BP leased to the Swiss company Transocean, suffered an explosion and two days later sank. In July alone could stop the spill.
At a meeting sponsored this week by the national commission investigating the spill, residents and community leaders expressed their serious concerns about the health crisis that caused the disaster. "Today I'm going to talk about my life," said Cherri Foytlin the two members of the committee present at the meeting of 12. "My levels of ethylbenzene are 2.5 times the 95 percentile, and chances are you can not meet my grandchildren ... What I ask you now to do, if possible, amend (his report). Because we need to receive health care, "he added.
Ethylbenzene is a form of benzene is present in the body when it starts to decompose. It is also present in the raw BP. "I have seen children with injuries all over their bodies" said Foytlin, co-founder of Gulf Change, a community organization based in Grand Isle, in the southeastern state of Louisiana . "We are very, very sick. And the dead are dead. So it does not really matter if the media become, or if the president (Barack Obama) listens to us, or if the oil workers and fishermen and those engaged in the capture of crabs are able to feed their babies and may have a good Christmas next year ... "he said. Frances Beinecke, a member of the committee and president of the Council of National Resources Defense said that he would convey their concerns to the White House.
The commission, appointed by Obama, released its final report this week, after a six-month investigation of the worst oil disaster in the history of the nation. The report recommended a huge start about the failed security practices of the oil industry in the Gulf, and the creation of a new independent agency to monitor drilling activities.
However, most of the 250 people who attended the meeting focused on the health crisis that erupted after the disaster in April 2010, leaving BP workers dedicated to cleaning and also residents suffering from the Gulf diseases that they attribute to fuel and toxic dispersants used to drive them into the depths.
The doctor Rodney Soto Santa Rosa Beach, in the southeastern state of Florida, is analyzing and treating patients with high blood levels of chemicals associated with oil. Typically, these substances are called "volatile organic compounds." Those man-made disaster of BP derivatives are toxic and have negative chronic effects on health. Soto was taken aback to find such high levels of toxic products in each of the patients who are analyzing. "We regularly encounter between five and seven volatile organic compounds in my patients," Soto told IPS. "These patients are people who are not directly involved in the cleanup of oil and residents who live directly on the coast. This is clearly related to the oil disaster, "he added.
However, government agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency, the Food and Drug Administration and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, along with Obama himself, have stated that the Gulf waters and beaches are open to the public , deeming it safe, like marine products are caught there.
Local residents who were present at the meeting ensured that the two members of the committee were aware of the health crisis they face. Tom Costanza, of Catholic Charities in New Orleans area, said the region is in the midst of a crisis in social services and face a claims process that is fraught with problems. "People call me crying and dying. They need care and support to get through this, "he said.
Ada McMahon works for the Gulf Bridge Project , a citizen journalism website that publishes articles on the communities of the Gulf Coast and address issues of justice and sustainability. "The unresolved health issues are a major problem, along with the fact residents to become activists who go to committee meetings or go to (the fund manager to manage the BP spill, Kenneth) Feinberg to tell their health problems, "he told IPS. " Customers can pay $ 300 blood tests have found an alarming proportion of chemicals in their bodies , and are doing what they can to express their concerns," he added. "But they feel they can not wait for the Congress (legislative) or Obama address this, because doctors need education and support," he said.
Latosha Brown, director of the Fund for Gulf Coast Community Renewal and Ecological Health, working with 250 local organizations, also stated that "the key concern expressed by the community in response to the report is the overwhelming need for access to health services."
Stephen Bradberry, executive director of the Institute Alliance government, concerned that the Gulf Coast Claims Facility, which is dedicated to serving claims in the affected area, not accepting that deal with health issues, which leaves patients without work and without income to pay their medical bills. "There are bruises and skin lesions (...). Yesterday I heard about five people who died in Grand Isle and had no health problems before this. However, there was talk of controlling these communities. " "We need a separate working group to focus solely on analysis, monitoring and studying the health problems caused by long term exposure to crude oil and dispersants. And this has to happen now, "he said. --------------------

Fobo Ru ?????????????????velba


Stop the violence and need for change

High to violence is already a national outcry, an urgent need for every individual and collective. But such a requirement needs to be expressed even more strongly, organizes and, if possible, multitudinous. From there it has been so timely voice of the main authors of cartoons of the press and other media, which has been echoed in the wide view and countless individuals and groups who agree in their call to stop the violence.
The problem is that in the middle, on the way to achieve peace the country, the opinions or positions are multiplied. For the government, the instrument of choice was the military, as one day be called "war on narco " and another battle for social security. The problem is that, as is clear from experience in the government of Felipe Calderón, that environment was not even remotely the most effective way to get rid of the waves of blood which drowned.
I'm not saying the Army's presence in that war is useless, but it seems already clear that neither is sufficiently far from the only instrument. And here is where criticism of government focus of Calderon: exclusive or unilateral strategy, having lost sight of the complexity of multiple serious problem, having left in the dark a set of actions that also appear necessary to achieve the desired peace.
Among the many voices that have been expressed, stressing the need to attack the problem of money laundering and stop multimillion dollar criminal operations, and keep a lid on economic racking up the power base of gangs and organized crime. But before the real danger that so readily apparent unacceptable decent power handling money, the official apparatus has saved about almost total silence. "Interest and afraid to go to the end?
There is also, of course, the need to tackle corruption in depth all areas and all levels of government, beginning with the Judiciary, which investigated a myriad of officials responsible for corruption, bribery and a host of misconduct to the most basic ethics of public performance.
The point is that the issue goes beyond the strategies or unilateral approaches, and the complexity claimed to be attacked from many different angles, also the massive prevention and education, and fundamental to open future prospects a youth who sees the future with despair, closed roads to a more genuine and fair in the nation. Or how else to explain that organized crime count as many battalions of relief, in fact young people willing to kill or die?
Is it not clear that the abandonment and disillusionment are some of the major nutrients of the present situation?
The fundamental claim to the government of Mexico is only batteries has focused its military strategy and repression, leaving the dark other obvious needs. If something has been lacking at the moment the country is a holistic approach, with the same force that has been discussed, and exclusive use of arms. We recognize the extraordinary complexity the problem, and that is why we demand that the strategy to face is complex and multifaceted, and not focused on a single path.
know of civil society organizations such as Stop and Mexico Kidnapping SOS, headed by men and women of unquestionable value. And we present the large demonstrations that called for some years to stop violence in Mexico. Is it not time to repeat these expressions of rejection and this calls for the nation away from the crime, blood and violence, and that invitations to expand these efforts of civil society throughout the country? What is not necessary to convene a public discussion background, to find ways to solve complex problem that is destroying us as a nation, or weaken dramatically?
time is about political change, and discussed endlessly the possibilities of different parties and their candidates alleged. But the crucial issue of security and law, which is today the most urgent for most Mexicans, remains in limbo, some exits beyond pure rhetoric. Is not it time for the parties and their candidates suspected think thoroughly and speak out on this issue, which today is most pressing for Mexicans? Is not it time to call for a serious debate national lines of change and regeneration of Mexico?
Because the real problem is there: the extension of a state of affairs that has led to the current severity. Is it not now time to correct and change, and thinking in society as a whole, starting with their most helpless and needy? How thoroughly rebuild a country with many virtues, however, threatened and lives at the edge of the abyss? -----------------------

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real revolutions, Twitter, Facebook and a message to all the walls

The rebellion is underway in Tunisia, Ben Ali falling reverberates across North Africa and it is frightening at the same bourgeoisie of France, which are "back yard" (as we in the U.S. .) Attached to the news of the revolution that spread all means, come back again allusions to the "role of the Internet", especially "social networking" as Facebook and Twitter, YouTube also in "preparation" and "development " the survey. Most of the articles on the fall of Ben Ali made mention of this, but especially in Europe the idea was embraced with enthusiasm and debate on various blogs and sites, and the theme recurs in the new activism in the world ... some Titles on Tunisia are illustrative: "The revolution broke into computers" "The power of social networks in a revolution," "It might be the revolution Tunisia Twitter?" , "Tunisia, The First Revolution Wikileaks" , "revolution in social networks" ... and so are (they are chosen at random among many). Still one of the most interesting articles is an excellent title that suggests otherwise: "Not Twitter, Not WikiLeaks: A Human Revolution" ("No Twitter, no WikiLeaks: Human Revolution"), which contains several links the debate more interesting (in English, but can use the google translator to safa). The latest news ( 17-01) announce the formation of a "coalition government" between the majority of supporters of Ben Ali and the opposition parties (who were in tow of events). In the past two days armed gangs, death squads roamed the streets spreading terror and killing protesters, according to several media outlets reported. It also indicates that the population in neighborhoods legitimately began to organize "popular defense committees" to control the passage of vehicles and some form of territorial self-defense. The news says "bands" would favor Ben Ali, his "guard" that "want to provoke chaos" an internal fight "power "Tunisian puny ... what is clear is that this continuity of repression serves the whole of the Tunisian regime that was hanging air, and has to discipline. On the streets is the youth, workers, the people of Tunisia enraged and victorious, spreading Algeria?, Egypt?, France ...? While all the mechanisms of diversion and deception begin to be implemented.
With these challenges ahead of us strive to build discussion Internet and "social networking" in Tunisia may seem secondary, just thinking about what they are facing falling off mature should be armed with much more than and cellular networks to be found. But at the same time I think it is a good place to intervene with some thoughts in a discussion that will recur and there will follow. "Networks" here to stay and provide a mechanism unique to the media that were available in the 70s, coming out of the Second World War in 1917 and not talking about 1871, but the problem is to put things in perspective, even for "honor."
For those who were not directly internalized in the subject, the facts of "communications battle" was fought and bring up to highlight the role of the Internet are more or less the following (taken from various sites, but there here an abstract base):
"In the famous Wikileaks revelations, leaked details of the lavish and extravagant life of Tunisian President Ben Ali and his family, and the high level of corruption in the country. The site Wikileaks was censored by the government. One thing: his son, Sakher the Materi, had a tiger in a cage chickens eat four a day, more than many families can afford in a month ... "Then
this network 'cyber' Anonymous launched an "attack" in December, # OpTunisia against the Tunisian government sites to keep them out of operation. The government argued that in many cases they themselves had come down to stop the attack (?) ... One thing: 17/01 today came the news that a group of hackers did "waive" the foreign minister of Tunisia . In fact a false resignation went to the website of Minister of Foreign Affairs and the government had to go out and deny it.
"When the revolt began, the Tunisian government began blocking pages of activists and with the advance of the protests intensified censorship. It was alleged by the Committee to Protect Journalists, which had detected a script injection when accessing popular pages to know the user names and passwords for bloggers, journalists, political activists, etc. All these data stolen were used to eliminate groups on Facebook, pictures and comments against the regime. The thing did not stop there, the next step was to arrest and imprison bloggers and activists. One thing: in Tunisia, Facebook has a dominant position, with about 3 and a half million Internet users, 1.4 million have an account on Facebook.
-Finally, and perhaps principal, the Arab bloggers, journalists and activists reported and at all times supported the revolt, giving information and trying to organize from Twitter and Facebook. One thing: this is a conclusive event.
-As regards the international mass media these fulfilled the role expected, hiding the situation in Tunisia before and after, were accomplices of imperialist support the regime and echoed "news" , when the revolution was tweeted. Now in Tunisia had "dictatorship." They were quicker to raise the "citizen journalism" in Iran, when news agencies were the political interest of echo of the riots.
The facts listed above are cited to think about the potential and actual role that the Internet had in the uprising, but that is where the thing because there was "messages" stronger boiler feed popular and show that "the network" is only a vehicle on which are expanded concrete experiences in the class struggle, the personal courage and even desperate political action. No complaint
Wikileaks was required for Tunisians derogatorily called "the family" clan Ben Ali, who came "documenting" the last 23 years. If "cables" brought new news was not more severe than that suffered in the flesh. "According to an official study conducted by the Tunisian ministry of employment in collaboration with the World Bank, if the rate overall unemployment was 14% in 2008, youth aged 18 to 29 years was nearly 3 times higher than that of adults "(Le Monde, 01/07/1911). In that sense it is no wonder that youth unemployment is "the spark that caused this revolt" ( cited here).
Bouazizi Mohamed, the 26-year-old Computer, whom police did not even sell vegetables left in the street to survive and who blew himself up in front of the municipality of the city of Sidi Bouzid, starting to revolt wrote on the wall of their Facebook page :
"I'm going, Mom, I ask your forgiveness and without reproach, I'm lost in a way that did not control, forgive me if I disobeyed you, blame these days, not me ..."
carried out an action Bouazizi desperate, terrible, his message was political, but despite scoring a crushing already "no future" or "present." Its action is reminiscent of a striking theme of the demonstrations in Algeria in 2001 when young Berbers rose and one of the most widespread slogans were "You can not kill us because we're already dead."
The fury unleashed by the immolation of Bouazizi, whom the same executioner Ben Ali went to the hospital in a disgusting act, sparked the demonstrations and the government unleashed death. Days later, another young man committed suicide by jumping into some power lines while shouting against unemployment and the high cost of living.
What is the message that the networks and the Internet in any case be encrypted expanded?: "we are willing to surrender everything, even life," "not afraid of death," so Ben Ali had to flee and none of his moves could save him, nor the repression that killed at least 77 recovery. This determination in youth with all its contradictions mark a revolutionary turn.
In such a situation, when the process is so deep, the movement takes over the media you have on hand and if there are created, never backward. In Oaxaca, Mexico, in the area of \u200b\u200ba city were the key radios taken and to making and commissioning of the protesters under control of the TV channel. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube were appropriated by the Tunisians for the immediate purposes of the fight. site became a mainstay of information because its structure is armed from the confluence of different social networks. And it showed that the monopoly on information and communication in the hands of tight power may be useless to the class struggle. The government failed to censorship by the simple fact that you can not control the violent eruption of millions in government of their own destinies .
A final pose at the end, perhaps the most important I think the problem is not the media (networking and communication) in the class struggle but the objectives and those objectives determine also means fighting for nothing virtual . A rebellion can be a revolution if the process of struggling youth, workers, mass organizations build their own democratic decision-making and arm themselves to repel the attacks of bourgeois power, a tip to defeat the forces of repression. Then all the new communication tools and cyber activism can work to this new power is born. That is not happening in Tunisia but I think that is the message to twitter and write in all "walls."

Javier Gabino
( member "the channel of the left" / PTS Argentina)
--- ---------------------

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Crime a hungry child

Daniel E.

According to United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture Argentina, whose inhabitants represent 0 , 65% of world population, produces 1.61% of meat and 1.51% of cereals consumed globally.
In this scenario it is perverse that, according to the latest report of the Social Debt Observatory of the Universidad Católica Argentina, a 27.9% of children are exposed to risk food of which 6% experiencing hunger often, and if you take into account specifically for children of low socioeconomic status is estimated that 60% is at risk food of which 26% usually hungry.
also results in damage, according to the Center of Studies on Infant Nutrition one of every two deaths that occur in children under 5 malnutrition plays a role, for each child who dies before 5 years there are 6 surviving children with chronic malnutrition and 23 children they lack the iron and anemic, and, while nationally 8 of every 100 children suffer from chronic malnutrition in northern Argentina 1 in 7 children have chronic malnutrition .
For his part, National Movement of the People Guys where institutions come together 400 NGOs working with poor children whose lives are at risk, says these children who die every day, such as taxes blood, are not part of any agenda. The bodies of a poem is always small, however for those who survive malnutrition leaves them crippled. Blank looks. Premature old ages. Affects empty worlds unimaginable.
However these figures refer to domestic debt with Argentine leaders with millions of small creditors, and hungry, they get the crumbs of the economic development of a country that continues to prioritize payments to international organizations on feeding their young to those who intended social plans, mostly fail to modify the structural poverty in which they live.
For example, does little more than a year, launched the Universal Assignment for Child that, while aimed help parents of children under 18 years poor, is deficient because the money they charge the beneficiaries is not enough to meet the needs of their children and also those who do not receive the document (an issue common among the disadvantaged) always worked in the informal economy circuit and are not registered with the Social Security (not ever having worked in white or received any social plan), or have children who are not vaccinated or school (requirements that an employee is asked Formal charge the Family Allowance per child).
In this context, as I said years ago the Bishop Miguel Hesayne, must shout crime in a society hungry children in Argentina. All day and all media should be in the forefront and must be the concern of the Christian community. For as the Pope claimed in Viedma, "If a man, a woman, a boy, a youth, elderly persons, a Christian can not live peacefully." So what to do about the reality of Argentina's thousands and thousands of hungry children? We can not stay quiet.

(*) This article was originally published in the magazine 274, Alanda.

Prom Dresses Big Boobs


"Why inequality causes the rich feel poor?
Paul Krugman (*)

Rampello Catherine has written a short article on why nice rich feel the objectively subjectively poor. However, Brad Long is right: a logarithmic plot can be even more instructive:

I would like to discuss some of this diagram, relates the annual income and tax units percentiles.
Rampello What has in mind is a vision of society as a long road up a hill, so the increased height goes hand in hand with increasing income. And every person on the street over valued itself in relations with neighbors the street, not in relation to the whole street.
Well, there are two slightly different interpretations of this story. What Rampello seems to suggest is that people compare themselves only with their neighbors to the upper section, and since it is increasingly difficult to bottom as you go up, the rich feel worse because the guy in front is becoming increasingly distinct from them.
An alternative is that people compare themselves with neighbors on both sides of the street, but what changes is the convexity: if you find yourself in the middle of the distribution strip income, your neighbor from the upper stretch will be richer than you in the same way that you are poorer neighbor to the lower stretch, but in the upper reaches of the hill that's not true. (Long ago, I was taught that income distribution is roughly log-normal for most of its range, but it is Pareto in the upper section. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, do not worry .)
Be that as it may, the fact is that the gap between rich and archiricos has grown dramatically. Here are the Piketty-Saez data, in which we can see how 1 percentile of the peak moves away from the next 4, the same is happening with the band of 0.1% richer in relation to the losers within range 99.0 to 99.9. And so on:

The net result is a society of winners and winners, in which people who not only is doing great, but is doing relatively better than the medium in which they were a generation ago feel, despite everything behind.

a personal note from my point of view, I have always found relaxing extreme inequality at the top. Robin and I are going great, of course, but others are much richer, the fact is, however, that especially in New York, you know, you earn what you earn, there are others who earn so much that your income seem trivial. So, why nurture yourself this way? Of course it's much easier to feel that way when you're done with many other ego enhancers.
Paul Krugman is professor of economics at Princeton. Nobel Prize was in 2008.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Led Zeppelin Shower Curtain

with special presentation of "sympathy for him report" in Santiago de Compostela live by Radio Galega Musical

Musical Radio Galega entirely cover the presentation of "Sympathy for the story" in Santiago on Wednesday 19 January.

program Study 3, directed and presented by Ricardo Alonso, broadcast live from the 21: 00 hours of presentation at the Santiago Chamber of Nasa and the concert of the forage. The first half hour there will be interviews with some participants in the book and then broadcast live in full concert forage, the latter made with the original.

The program can listen on Wednesday January 19th Live from anywhere

Spain through the website of the radio ( ).
LAST MINUTE retrasmitirá not live presentation and a concert by problems with the mobile unit Radio Galega.
And just this week and will be in bookstores the second edition.

Friday, January 14, 2011

6v 4 Ah How Can Repair

1er. poetry contest organized by La Vida Rima and Badulake Klub


Be open to all those authors who reside in Spain, regardless of their nationality.
may not participate as jurors.
The jury is made up of renowned poets of the literary scene today.
Manuscripts should be written in Castilian.
The theme of the poems is free, but reject all such texts are cutting xenophobic, discriminatory, or that violate human rights.
only be accepted poetry texts.
Each author or author may submit at least 5 pages and a maximum of 20 in A4 format with double spacing and Times New Roman 12 pt.
Manuscripts should be submitted in Word 97 (. Doc) or Commonwealth Office (. Odt) as an attachment to the address Email . This file must contain the name of the author, title of the collection of poems, as well as email address and contact phone number. The file name will be in the following format or Nombre_autor Nombre_autor-Titulo.doc-Titulo.odt (eg Jose_Garcia-Poemas_mios.doc)
The original deadline for beginning the January 19, 2011 and end 24 hours February 28, 2011. The jury found
1 winner and 3 finalists. The ruling will take place on March 14, 2011.
The prize is publication of a book by the cultural association that would Rima Life on sale in September 2011. The book would consist of a selection of poems from the winner (half the book) and 5 pages for each of the 3 finalists with a small selection of those submitted to the contest. Each of the winning authors will receive 2 copies of this book by way of copyright. In addition, several awards will be shared between winners and finalists, donated by various suppliers. The proceeds from the sale of the book will go to the association non-profit Cultural Life Rima and will go to the next call will take place award in 2012.
The awards, except the book coming out in September 2011 - will be on March 23, 2011.
The authors prove that winners or finalists to participate in this contest agree to attend the awards ceremony and the presentations or the book, giving in all cases of copyright works to the Association Rima Cultural Life for a year and after the signing of a contract.
All authors are solely responsible for the authorship of texts and of possible plagiarism or copying.
The organizers of this contest took no further action to register the intellectual property of the winning entries, this being the responsibility of authors.
The organization of this contest is committed to the total destruction of the originals are not awarded
requested personal data will become part of a file owned by the Cultural Association "La Vida Rima", established in Jesus del Valle, 36, 28004 Madrid, National Association Number 590513, which is only used for purposes of the Association itself and who as controller, and in accordance with Law 15/1999, guarantees the possibility of exercising their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and oppose the processing of your data, by notice in writing to the address above.

Participation in this competition implies full acceptance of these rules.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

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A poem " Alphabet scars "Ana Perez Cañamares


What goes
feeds me and what is hurting me beautifully.

Rodrigo Galarza.

squeeze the tongue against the tooth gap

left and the memory returns
precise cutting surface like a dead man buried in a hurry.
When I was little was to fill the void
was full of what he had
and hoped to have.
a life away from school
a house attic
- ignoring his discomfort-
success, company, laughter, bodies, booze.
Now the gap is something else. A vacuum
conquered. Everything
to what I said goodbye
espaci0 freeing the dead that fill and stain
as outdoor furniture in a tenement.
This gap has left the tooth is a storeroom clean

in which only light particles

Ana Pérez.

scars Alphabet

Dance of the Sun Publishing, 2010
poems of a poet I admire.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cost Of Gum Grafting 2010

Sordo: Last poem readings

Marcos, 20, my son


There are days that seem normal but

the first to the second to the third activity
go awry.

Before I do not know why, I was nervous, clutching
ass and grabbed my stomach, anxiety
dominated me.
But now, I have learned and now

split-second I wonder, analyze, assume, and nothing

worries me.

I also know that things will not be there,
that the road will break
and, indeed,
it happens.

I wonder, analyze, and I assume
because most of the time, such
days than I speak, the thing

twist again and try then do not appear to laugh or smile
idiot ,
when explanations.

not pray for the end of the day,
about what might happen.

I started to enjoy these situations,
not everything will be pink
and not always going to look the sun, which hosts
. I have learned

to raise eyebrows and shrugged

undimmed and so the fate
saved me.

So when my son
God or blame others for their mistakes

or excited by the inevitable, when you search my assertion

, which does not usually occur, "I read
their eyes, when I say misunderstanding

that the stones in his path,
only puts him

in this life that should be able to play with the cards
touch you, and
that nobody said

life was simple.

But he still does not listen. And

blame him, I

took 45 years to lose my hearing.

Bacchus, 2010

(grapes of this poem were collected on Tuesday, December 28, 2010, the day of the presentation of "Burning , rock poison" in Madrid after spending a night poetic Ana Perez Cañamares in Blue Devils. The wine obtained by carbonic maceration few days later, after leaving the grapes stand on each other, and wait for time to work hiciese. grounds and was cleared of burrs. The fruity nose is distilled dementia characteristic of the grape that absorbs all the land offers. Despite his youth, shows tannins and impurities that give it a distinctive bitterness at the end of the tasting)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Is It Possible To Get Rainbow Puffle

just landed in Spain and in English one of the casinos that have better reception in Europe, it is EuroCasino .

The fact of the important growth of the casino is the policy of accountability to the game, besides the great deal to the user.
As an example, on websites find a live chat and English to clarify any doubt, apart from other ways of contact.

What things need to look before signing up for an online casino?

First of all is what I said, it is a responsible and important.

The second and entering and in the most practical are the bonuses and promotions.
Here we have several, such as welcoming you to double your initial deposit up to 100 euros, "interesting right?.
addition to this, other monthly promotions, loyalty, VIP, etc.
can also increase your own by inviting friends, they will get for example 20 euros for free and invite us, gave us 40 euros.

The third are the games that it offers, in this case we can choose from over 80 different games, so the variety is assured.
must make special mention to one of the games that is raging around the world such as Poker, which has a special section just for him.

In broad strokes, here are some features of this new arrival to the English market to compete in the difficult market for online casinos.