My reading of this year 2010: Alentejo
blues and other texts, Domingo López
Gear butterflies, Kike Suarez "Babas"
Map dumb, Hilary J. Rodriguez
a world drawn messages, drawings VV.AA Asturias on Alvarez Cabrero
Pampanito green, Oscar Esquivias
Perversions. Short list of paraphilias illustrated VVAA
Walking in the air, Julio Jurado
Reviewed Chekhov, Anton Chekhov
The mouth of the volcano, Daniel Sancet (Insolenzia)
reckoning, Patxi Irurzun
60 stories of Dino Buzzati
Thirteen disturbing stories of Felisa Moreno
Siberian Husky (Huskies) of Varlam Shalamov
LS6, Mario Crespo
Mondo and other stories by Le Clezio
All the Pretty Horses, by Cormac McCarthy
shorn sheep, trembling with cold Bonilla
Gsus 2666, Roberto Bolaño
Group Portrait with Lady, Heinrich Böll
Stories by Jose Luis Borges
Like Odysseus in a china shop, Angel Muñoz
rain Dog and Other Stories, by Vicente Muñoz Álvarez
Top stories of Roald Dahl
Amar can kill, Villa Maria
Russian Doll, Angel González González
The old betrayals, Armando Rivero Water
large, Cristina Grande
Complete Stories, by Roberto Bolaño
(2) The fence of my mouth, Ana Pérez Cañamares I
Complete Tales of Fontanarrosa Limits
and progressions, José María Cumbreño
Orgia homespun, Charles Salem begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting
The snack girls, Cristina García Morales
Uncertainty Principle, Carmen Peire
For those nights of insomnia, José Ángel Barrueco
bad and fierce love of Larry Brown
The Moon Palace by Paul Auster
All of us, Raymond Carver
Vinalia Trippers, VVAA Meets years
happy, Roxana Popelka Cursed
karma, David Safier
All razed, all burned, Wells Tower
Mohicania revisited by Manuel Rivas
A lump in the throat, VVAA
Fingers dates, Muhsin Al- Ramli
Atmospheres, VVAA
Invisible, by Paul Auster
room from abroad, from Oscar Aguado
Under the influence of the comet, Jon Bilbao
The letter opener, Vicente Molina Foix
December, Jesus Urceloy
All you children's tale, by Neorrabioso (Batani)
The cloud chamber, Xen Alfonso Rabanal
Kolyma Tales of Varlam Shalamov
Three Lives of Saints, by Eduardo Mendoza
The world's most beautiful book by Eric Emmanuel Schmitt
(R) city, Iribarren Karmelo
San Fermin Tales of Patxi Irurzun
(R) If you say that I fell, Juan Marse
Entrevías mon amour, de Justo Sotelo
(R) Electra removed mourning by Sonia Fides
Burning in the winter, Marcelo Lujan
The raw, Esther García Llovet
Croniria, Raquel Lanseros
Employment, Nacho Abad
In some heaven, Marcelo Lujan
(R) The Barber of God, by Antonio Crespo Massieu
Portrait of an immature man, Luis Landeros
Your name and other names, Antonio Toribios
Shore time, Antonio Crespo Massieu
air House, Francisco Cenamor
Plus a handful of literary projects, growing number of friends who have been or are being or will be published.
Thank you all for allowing the escape.
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