Monday, February 28, 2011

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Mexico - France
P residents without height

tragicomedy Mexican ex The confrontation between the French and the Mexican government, in an outpouring of diplomatic blunders, has mortgaged the implementation in France during 2011 about than 300 cultural and academic activities under the call of so-called Year of Mexico in France.
The origin of the conflict is not on the discrepancies that may have France or Mexico on the case of Florence Cassez French citizen, sentenced to 60 years in prison for kidnapping and possession of a firearm. The conflict escalated by arrogance and Sarkozy Calderón So confused the interests of the nation with their personal interests and media put on trial a sensitive issue that should be fixed in a discreet and effective negotiation.
A mistaken notion of diplomacy by the Mexican president had prevented the dissemination of culture and Mexican intellectual creation in France. For its part, the same flawed approach of diplomacy, the French government has closed the gates of France to the Mexican culture and the intelligentsia.
Canceling the "Year of Mexico in France", which apply both presidents is an act of censorship - authoritarian and vertical - that prevents Mexicans speak, act, dance or exhibit in France and French citizens robs her right to information, to know the various forms of cultural expression of Mexico, some of them many centuries.
Guilty or innocent
In this version 2 Pastry War is not go looking guilty or innocent, because the legal issues unrelated to the "Year of Mexico in France" and because there is sufficient evidence to know what actually happens.
Frenchman's side, while French justice rips the hair out by Florence Cassez, wants to deport to Spain Aurore Martin, also a French national, accused of "participation in a terrorist organization" by the High Court because his work as spokesperson between 2005 and 2008 Batasuna, outlawed in Spain but not in France for alleged links with ETA. 60 parliamentarians Basque-French announced their support for the former leader of Batasuna presenting a statement to the press in which he claimed Aurore-hosting in their homes and apartments because they are opposed to their delivery to Spain. Where is the consistency?
Could it be that before the foreign policy failures and inadequacies of the Chancellor repeated Michele Alliot Marie in Africa and the Middle East, the French president wants to give baths purity with Cassez affair? The
inglorious side of the Mexican justice, they are horrified Mexicans cases like Jacinta Marcial, Otomi Indian woman, 46, unjustly sentenced to 21 years in prison for the crime of kidnapping against six police officers and adopted by Amnesty International as a prisoner of conscience. These same Mexican television attended the release of Sergio Barraza Bocanegra, confessed murderer of his wife, Rubi, which culminated in the murder of the mother of the victim, human rights activist Maricela Escobedo, opposite the Palace of Government of Chihuahua and televised around the country thanks to security cameras.
My buddies go, those who applaud the movie "Presumed Guilty" that based on a real case shows how a young Mexican man was sentenced for murder without any evidence, because these involve themselves in the flag country and are dropped from the balcony of the national dignity to defend the sentence to 60 years Cassez, without taking a minute of rationality to analyze inconsistencies and loopholes that the case drags from the first day (which is soon to end the second.)
In Mexico, 41% of prisoners are tortured by police and 93% never saw a warrant when they were insured and if progressive Mexicans do not realize that you are endorsing corrupt as Gerardo García Luna to tomorrow violates the rights of any of us, we are back on democracy.
The Mexican foreign minister you can not criticize anything because it does nothing. The executive if he can question the total absence of a mature foreign policy that went astray thinking that a good ambassador in Washington and some incompetent sycophants in Los Pinos enough to maintain relationships and the country's image. Neither

colonial arrogance become more guilty Sarkozy Florence Cassez, or the awkwardness of Calderón and corrupt Mexican justice makes it more innocent. That must be determined by a competent and not corrupt Justice. The mess that the two presidents armed stranger to diplomacy and cultural relations and is motivated by domestic politics and the proximity of elections in both countries. Thus shows that the size of their egos is inversely proportional to his political stature.
diplomacy or international relations
Although globalization has spread to most areas of society, diplomacy resists social groups, individuals, members enter politics or academia in "its".
The foreign ministries and diplomatic academies close the doors to all actors who could think or act beyond the interests of the Executive. Management as if today were a specialty of the State of the elite and the citizens did not have anything to say about the decisions made in our name "on relations with other States or citizens.
At most, in the midst of a jingoistic flag fly and on behalf of the so-called "patriotic interests", it asks the media to support a government initiative and make the bulk of the people, by dint of view and see and hear and hear, we make it our own and defend it uncritically.
While the Heads of State and their diplomatic give back to the vitality of contemporary societies, large public sectors operate, influence and relate horizontally throughout the world. Most of the time, able to generate statements of opinion in other countries long before the first "note verbale" arrives by courier or first "special envoy" to do anteroom in ministry of foreign affairs.

The world is tiny and today the company has ceased to be a passive actor to become an actor in international relations. If they are so called, is because they are "between nations" and not between selected initiates. Immediate communication via the Internet, the horizontal relations of society-world direct and permanent links between economic partners, cultural, religious and associations of all kinds, make the idea of \u200b\u200binternational long exceed the concept of "reason of state."
Only presidents and heads of state, although aware say they have not yet incorporated into their political practices taking into account the views of citizens and their ability to operate new and speedy ways of interaction with the rest of the world . Neither Calderon nor Sarkozy stopped to ask the opinion of its citizens how best to proceed with the crisis. Were tainted by the archaic and authoritarian "relations between nations" that ignores public opinion.
will have to leave behind the classical diplomacy, no more "note verbale" (which are written) and "special envoys" which have the wages only specials. Diversify actors, delegated decisions in the hands of those who are to perform specific actions contribute to a democratic multilateralization of diplomatic relations.
The best strategy for international relations is one that manages to make every citizen a goodwill ambassador. Thus the design of foreign policy will be left to the specialists, but the execution is democratized and you're less likely to confuse personal tantrums diplomatic incidents.
What results would yield a survey that asked French citizens Do you agree with Sarkozy's decision to prevent the presence of Mexican culture in France for a year? What result would give a survey that asked citizens of Mexico if they trust in the transparency of the Mexican justice system?
advice is to submit the case of Florence Cassez to the International Court of Justice, defended Mexico itself, where 51 U.S. citizens convicted without respect for due process and applied the same parameters to determine whether there was any hidden vices.
Other rescue the "Year of Mexico in France" that does not belong to the president but to the citizens, we have the right to culture and fraternal relations and creative. Perhaps it would suffice to remind Sarkozy and Calderon respectively that of "both between individuals and among nations respect the rights of others is peace" and universal principles of freedom, equality and fraternity. " -----------------

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Since 2005 exports have been authorized millions of weapons to the Qaddafi regime
"What little pain now gives us the repression, but rather than sell them weapons"

Human Journalism

Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco were also English customers in 2010

Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Tunisia. Spain has sold in recent years millions of euros on weapons and defense equipment to countries that now live democracy riots in the Middle East and North Africa. A riots are the result of years of repression political, police, military and have had their most recent chapter in end the bombing of civilians in Libya to contain opposition to Muammar Gaddafi.
Spain's government announced this week that cancel all sales transactions arms to Libya, but there is defense and police equipment manufactured in Spain since 2005, after the international community to lift the embargo on the regime of Gadhafi and resume the arms trade with their country.
Moreover, the English arms sale to Libya was fired after the visit of President Gaddafi to Madrid. Agreements were concluded in defense equipment valued at 1,500 million euros, according to a report from the U.S. Embassy filtering and published by Wikileaks 20minutes.
Only in the first half of 2010, Libya received by English companies military equipment aircraft worth 3.3 million euros. Libyan armed forces, according to official data, was spent in Spain almost 7 million euros and were waiting to be processed operations authorized by EUR 7 million.
"What can be link between the English material and helicopters and planes used to bomb Gaddafi's Libya? "It's almost impossible to prove because export reports are made public has not exactly what has been sold, but the type of material, vehicles, aircraft ... but we can not know exactly if they are grenades, gas masks, for example, Irene says Milleiro of Oxfam. "In any case," he pointed Armadans Jordi, Fundació per la Pau, "it is clear that the arms that Gaddafi is using comes from Europe."
In 2009, Libya was also one of the main destinations of dual use (military and police) made in Spain. More than 12 million euros in radar for navigation and civil air traffic control with maintenance spares, as well as chemicals for academic use, according to the official report. In 2006, Libya acquired from Spain arms worth 25,953 euros. In 2008, authorized the sale of 3 million euros in "grenade", the newspaper Public .
These operations were authorized by the Government of Spain despite law clearly specifies that is forbidden to export defense material to countries where "can be used in a manner contrary to due respect and dignity inherent in human, for purposes of internal repression. "
" What gives little pain repression, but rather then sell them weapons," said Jesus Nunez, director of the Institute of Studies on Conflicts and Humanitarian Action, one of the organizations of the Control Arms campaign.
Here are some other authorized exports to North Africa and Middle East in the first half of 2010, official data collected by the NGO coalition Control Arms:
  • Algeria: EUR 528,068 under the category " aircraft. "
  • Egypt exports were worth € 464,669 in bombs, torpedoes, rockets, missiles and aircraft material.
  • Israel: the authorized operations amounted to 5.6 billion euros, including 3 million in land vehicles and 2.6 million aircraft.
  • Morocco was the recipient of defense equipment worth 1.1 million euros.
  • Tunisia: authorized exports totaling 778,480 euros in energy materials, while those made amounted to 778,480 euros for bombs, torpedoes, rockets and missiles. For this country also authorized the sale of hunting guns and shooting sports in the amount of 228,495 euros and sold in the same category shotgun shells for 171,952 euros.
    Saudi Arabia received
  • defense equipment worth 1.5 million euros in the first half of 2010, between vehicles ground and aircraft. Still pending, although allowed, are sales amounting to 4.2 million euros.
specific data are the first half of 2010 (which takes almost a year to be made public), but the million-selling historical speech of arms and planes to Saudi Arabia in 2009, Barein in 2008, Jordan, Syria ... " traditional customers are from Spain, and that the riots have not seen it coming no excuse. These countries were already dangerous destinations before the riots, "said Nunez.
The armament sector in Spain is not in crisis . During the first six months of last year were cleared exports worth over 1,600 million euros, up 33.3% over the same period last year. Over 80% of these sales were reached with companies or countries of the European Union or NATO. The rest were divided among 44 countries. Among them the lion's share in Malaysia (171 million euros, for a submarine), Venezuela (106 million euros, a surveillance ship of the coast) and Mexico (49.6 million euros, two military transport planes and parts to upgrade previously purchased aircraft).
addition to the countries that are now an extreme case of risk Spain has also sold arms in 2010 to countries whose reality does not fit the requirements under the law according to international human rights organizations, including Colombia, Pakistan, Iran or Taliandia.
For the U.S., according to the Control Arms campaign, "there is no assurance that the English arms can not be transferable to any of the numerous private security companies that perform support work for U.S. forces in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq. Moreover, in many U.S. states are lax controls on private sales of guns. "
The Interministerial Commission that regulates trade in arms is not denied in the first half of 2010, no export of defense material, or riot gear, no weapons for hunting and shooting sports in North Africa.
By contrast, it was refused an operation of dual-use equipment to Iran, Pakistan and two to four to Yemen. In all cases it was chemicals, and the reason for denial was a "risk of diversion to production of weapons of mass destruction and denied the existence of other countries." ----------------------

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Presentation of "Special erotic "The Other Side of the Mirror

Tuesday, March 1
three yellow roses library

With the participation of several authors

(morbo insured)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sample Med Mal Complaint


KIDS ON THE OTHER SIDE (I): BEATITUDE By Esteban Gómez Gutiérrez

just finished the war (WWII) and the world is still shit. In the United States nothing has been regenerated, nothing has changed, nothing has changed. The dead are a number, not more, and is to continue to be unaware of the past. All for nothing.
Dan wanted to run away, go in search of another reality. If I could change the world ... But you can not change, a war with 60 million dead has failed to change anything. Flee, the finger in the air and a long tarmac track ahead. Run away, no particular destination for adventure. Run away, even knowing that there is no door on the other side. Yes, but you have to flee. The

general notion of escape a reality that is rotten, is particularized in the area of \u200b\u200ba small group of writers for whom the journey is life. What matters is not the destination, it's all about the journey, enjoy the ride. A mid-twentieth century, Cassady and Kerouac living American travel adventures. The trip is another way of living. If there's money: petrol and road if there is none: dope and alcohol. The case is to leave reality, created a world for you. Cassady is the actor, the main character, the bad guy in this film, the bully, the rogue. Kerouac is a more intellectual guy, has the look of the writer in his eyes and sees everything in an objective manner: never risk his soul. Ginsberg will join them almost from the beginning, is an intellectual who likes to live on the edge, the edge of the abyss, totaling passions and always looking beyond. Burroughs flies off in search of new thrills. There are other actors (one as tough as Cassady is Corso), but enough of names and look for a label that allows us to classify them (we need to decode it, so the labels do not help us think), a generational label define what that these four guys do with their lives in the 50's, something like the Beat.

The Beat write about something that had begun years earlier, on the need to turn around before the world, drop their pants and show the crack of ass. A categorical Fuck you. A life is our life and live as we want. The road was short but it was important because it marked the spirit of the counterculture. Today we still drink from its essence. Both in substance (the world still sucks) and in the form (Kerouac's spontaneous prose, the author's freedom Ginssberg, experimentation to decomposition in Burroughs). There are his books, Along the way, Petrol, Junkie, Howl . There is more to be read.

did not last long, the flight over the limits of using peyote and LSD, first, and meditation, later, and went on to other worlds. The 50 ended and a new generation took the flag of freedom, of change, of the alternative. People seeking to heal the world with love. Much love. Too much love. Wrapped in psychedelic hippies discover and make you discover the new world: Buddhism and Zen philosophy Finally, Kerouac and Ginsberg, come to a stop on the way they discover another reality and, most importantly, they discover that no escape we must walk, not even a single step: the mind dominates everything. The 60 were filled with hope for a better world. An idealistic vision, detached from reality, that reality in the form of mud that had stuck to Beat your shoes even though they tried to flee it ..

50 years later, Vicente Muñoz Álvarez and Nacho Escuín , want to touch the reflection of that generation in the young American maverick English literature. Many authors that are positioned on the counter, regardless of institutionalization and public easements, fleeing the shit we still made the world, hoping at least be consistent with their soul, freedom for security does not change, not expect to sell a million copies of a book because they do not write for a million people, who know they are on the other side of what we call literature, in the shade, where snow remains more weather and water emanating from the scum, know life. Nacho

Vincent and poked, people on the road, and took a little glimpse a world of new creative spirit worshipers Beat. Bliss and called the anthology is a collection of reflections, bionarraciones, stories, experiences, trials, influences the writers of that generation had on the lives and writing of each the authors involved in this book project. The result is an amalgam of views on the Beat, a claim limit, the flight of the trip. The important thing remains to make the road is still not reached critical the end, is bucolic or precipitate. The road is a way of life. It is true that fighting tired, who are guys on the other side always ready to make war, but rest when it's last minute, the final sigh.

Original title: Bliss, visions of the Beat Generation
Author: VVAA
literary edition: Vicente Muñoz Álvarez and Ignacio Escuín
Editorial: Ediciones Baladí SLL
Pages: 357
Cover Design: July Reija
Price: 20 €
Authors participating in this anthology: Carla Badillo

Coronado Patxi Irurzun, Ana Pérez Cañamares, Joaquim Joao Penalva, José Angel Barrueco, Carmen Beltrán, Uberto Stabile, David Gonzalez, Carmen Camacho, Miquel Silvestre, Raul Garcia, Sergio Gaspar, Safrika, Nacho Abad, David Marder, Mario Crespo, Roxana Popelka, Almiñana Eduardo, Octavio Gomez Mili, Estelle Talavera Baudet, David Mayor, Pepe Pereira, Almudena Vidorreta, Luke Roberts, Inma Luna, Diego Urizarna, Alfonso Xen Rabanal, Pablo Casares, Sonia San Román, Eloy Fernandez Porta, Deborah Vukusic, Vicente Muñoz Álvarez .

Presentation in Madrid

Date: Friday February 25, 2011

Hours: 19:00 pm

Location: Casa del Libro - C / Hermosilla, 21 (Madrid)

Speakers : Vicente Muñoz Álvarez (autologous)

David Vincent (editor)

& various authors of the book

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

C Section Pains 10 Weeks

Presentation of" Bliss "in Madrid

Friday February 25, 1919 h
Casa del Libro - C / Hermosilla, 21.
Vicente Muñoz Álvarez (autologous)
Escuín Borao Ignacio (autologous)
David Vincent (editor)
& various authors of the book

Monday, February 21, 2011

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

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Presentation of" visceral "in Madrid

Tuesday February 22 at 18:30
Fnac -
Preciados No 28-28013 Madrid

spoke Mario Crespo, José Ángel Barrueco, Eduardo Riestra
and authors
Deborah Vukusic, Carlos Salem,
Alberto Haj-Saleh, Adriana Bañares,
Gsus Bonilla, Francesco Spinoglio,
July Valdeón Blanco, Sonia Fides,
Iñaki Echarte Vidal, Esteban Gómez Gutiérrez,
Cañamares Ana Pérez, Alfonso Xen Rabanal,
Inma Luna, Marta Fernandez La Bohe,
Marcelo Lujan and Roxana Popelka.

Monday, February 14, 2011

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Batani A poem


always the same party
and the same equipment.
On one side, gray,
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday.
the other, white,
Saturday and Sunday.

And always

five to two,

the same result,

every week.

This Sunday was spent reading the booklet that was good enough to give me Batani, at our last meeting in Diablos Azules title Because I love you so I do not want to change you . Some reminiscent of You're story for children (dedicated to his dog Argi), poems and new poems already knew that surely will posted on the blog, but I have not read.

The graffiti are increasing, even though you have a price on his head, as in the American West, with the outlaws and Indians who escaped from the reserves. All you do is not something different, it refanfinfla Batani.

is "the guy who wants to be Lauros poet struggling with his inner self, because their inner self is given to the heartbreak and I exterior is agreed that it is more idiot than it appears. Overall, despite everything, God is written in TX, and mulberry stains are not removed in the fucking life.

I laughed with the full range of Puskas's son and I shuddered with one of his poems. I have enjoyed.

Finally, a Sunday Batani is not a typical Sunday.

So, Basterrechea no choice but to cum you to Fuenlabrada and open their ears to all those parishioners Seseras and surf hard-to-bishop dinner. Guest

you, then.

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Presentation of" Diary of a Writer thin " of San Nicasio Germain

19:30 pm

Value: € 20.40

Original title: Journal
thin writer
ISBN: 978-84-938256-7-6

Categories: Narrative

No. pags.: 327

"Every day that you leave without writing is a board that lacking the suspension bridge that becomes a personal diary. "

A Writer's Diary is the story thin a naive and primitive man a few days contemplates life from the more belligerent optimism and others from the deepest despair. On some things seem to have very clear ideas on others less so, but his peculiar sense of reality is always pushing to leave evidence around. Any daily incidents, however insignificant it may seem, it serves as an excuse to exercise the language and sometimes Achille neighborhood-bajer that characterizes him, and as he himself has his adventures and intimate gossip, taking advantage to make a cha critical, small-scale, poor and wretched world that ro-dea, dis-stopping in to-das direction without considering the consequences. So in the end, between introspection and self-examination, our writer thread gets thinner and annotations for the anec-would provide the daily end imagined taking shape memory.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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Monday, February 7, 2011

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Supplementary Angles In Life

I was born ten

Contributions by John Smith, Luis Sevilla, Ángel Muñoz, Manuel Guerrero Cabrera, Luisa Fernandez, Esperanza García Guerrero, Adolfo Marchena, Adriana Bañares , Ana Patricia Moya, Amarande Guzman, RezG Reis, Felipe Solano, Ricardo Bórnez, Thomas Illescas, Arantza Guinea, Luciana Fraga, Marta Noviembre, Patxi Irurzun, Jesús Suárez, Elena Ortiz, Jack Farfán, Remisson Aniceto, Rolando Revagliatti, begonias Leonardo, Oscar Rod, Rubén Casado, Mar Benegas, Beatriz Garcia, Nestor Villazón, Oscar Cardeñosa, Toni Quero, Velpister, Yolanda Martinez, Jose Angel Parejo, Daniel Garcia, Paz Hernandez, Thomas and Daniel Rivero Polished.



Thursday, February 3, 2011

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"Delight and disappointment Hombre sin of a grace, "Andrés Portillo

Andrés Portillo is an excellent storyteller, friend of perfection, continuous grinding of a work until it what your mind wants. One patient from this that is literature. His first publication, however, was a novel and it continues to demonstrate that the path of the editing of stories is still very limited in Spain. I myself took two years trying to publish a storybook. The editors cast their hands in their head when I say that this book also belongs to a trilogy, there are two books of stories behind.

House and disenchantment of a man without grace is a novel that I find another Andres Portillo, the writer of novels, with a slower pace and a narrative tone very close to Luis Landeros, which I was pleasantly surprised. The novel tells the story of a 40-year-old bachelor who lives with his mother and a girl of 20 shows the real world. Predictable plot in which Andrew deepens the search for the whys of this world action universalizing bland character. The ending, though not surprisingly, is enjoyable.
I'm glad this first publication of Andrés Portillo, and hopefully see the light of their stories on paper as soon as possible. Already been published in some anthologies (perversions, stories for hungry) and magazines such as The Other Side of the Mirror, but their quality in the 100 meter dash, deserves more attention, deserves a book so we can all enjoy them.