Mexico - France
P residents without height
tragicomedy Mexican ex The confrontation between the French and the Mexican government, in an outpouring of diplomatic blunders, has mortgaged the implementation in France during 2011 about than 300 cultural and academic activities under the call of so-called Year of Mexico in France.
The origin of the conflict is not on the discrepancies that may have France or Mexico on the case of Florence Cassez French citizen, sentenced to 60 years in prison for kidnapping and possession of a firearm. The conflict escalated by arrogance and Sarkozy Calderón So confused the interests of the nation with their personal interests and media put on trial a sensitive issue that should be fixed in a discreet and effective negotiation.
A mistaken notion of diplomacy by the Mexican president had prevented the dissemination of culture and Mexican intellectual creation in France. For its part, the same flawed approach of diplomacy, the French government has closed the gates of France to the Mexican culture and the intelligentsia.
Canceling the "Year of Mexico in France", which apply both presidents is an act of censorship - authoritarian and vertical - that prevents Mexicans speak, act, dance or exhibit in France and French citizens robs her right to information, to know the various forms of cultural expression of Mexico, some of them many centuries.
Guilty or innocent
In this version 2 Pastry War is not go looking guilty or innocent, because the legal issues unrelated to the "Year of Mexico in France" and because there is sufficient evidence to know what actually happens.
Frenchman's side, while French justice rips the hair out by Florence Cassez, wants to deport to Spain Aurore Martin, also a French national, accused of "participation in a terrorist organization" by the High Court because his work as spokesperson between 2005 and 2008 Batasuna, outlawed in Spain but not in France for alleged links with ETA. 60 parliamentarians Basque-French announced their support for the former leader of Batasuna presenting a statement to the press in which he claimed Aurore-hosting in their homes and apartments because they are opposed to their delivery to Spain. Where is the consistency?
Could it be that before the foreign policy failures and inadequacies of the Chancellor repeated Michele Alliot Marie in Africa and the Middle East, the French president wants to give baths purity with Cassez affair? The
inglorious side of the Mexican justice, they are horrified Mexicans cases like Jacinta Marcial, Otomi Indian woman, 46, unjustly sentenced to 21 years in prison for the crime of kidnapping against six police officers and adopted by Amnesty International as a prisoner of conscience. These same Mexican television attended the release of Sergio Barraza Bocanegra, confessed murderer of his wife, Rubi, which culminated in the murder of the mother of the victim, human rights activist Maricela Escobedo, opposite the Palace of Government of Chihuahua and televised around the country thanks to security cameras.
My buddies go, those who applaud the movie "Presumed Guilty" that based on a real case shows how a young Mexican man was sentenced for murder without any evidence, because these involve themselves in the flag country and are dropped from the balcony of the national dignity to defend the sentence to 60 years Cassez, without taking a minute of rationality to analyze inconsistencies and loopholes that the case drags from the first day (which is soon to end the second.)
In Mexico, 41% of prisoners are tortured by police and 93% never saw a warrant when they were insured and if progressive Mexicans do not realize that you are endorsing corrupt as Gerardo García Luna to tomorrow violates the rights of any of us, we are back on democracy.
The Mexican foreign minister you can not criticize anything because it does nothing. The executive if he can question the total absence of a mature foreign policy that went astray thinking that a good ambassador in Washington and some incompetent sycophants in Los Pinos enough to maintain relationships and the country's image. Neither
colonial arrogance become more guilty Sarkozy Florence Cassez, or the awkwardness of Calderón and corrupt Mexican justice makes it more innocent. That must be determined by a competent and not corrupt Justice. The mess that the two presidents armed stranger to diplomacy and cultural relations and is motivated by domestic politics and the proximity of elections in both countries. Thus shows that the size of their egos is inversely proportional to his political stature.
diplomacy or international relations
Although globalization has spread to most areas of society, diplomacy resists social groups, individuals, members enter politics or academia in "its".
The foreign ministries and diplomatic academies close the doors to all actors who could think or act beyond the interests of the Executive. Management as if today were a specialty of the State of the elite and the citizens did not have anything to say about the decisions made in our name "on relations with other States or citizens.
At most, in the midst of a jingoistic flag fly and on behalf of the so-called "patriotic interests", it asks the media to support a government initiative and make the bulk of the people, by dint of view and see and hear and hear, we make it our own and defend it uncritically.
While the Heads of State and their diplomatic give back to the vitality of contemporary societies, large public sectors operate, influence and relate horizontally throughout the world. Most of the time, able to generate statements of opinion in other countries long before the first "note verbale" arrives by courier or first "special envoy" to do anteroom in ministry of foreign affairs.
The world is tiny and today the company has ceased to be a passive actor to become an actor in international relations. If they are so called, is because they are "between nations" and not between selected initiates. Immediate communication via the Internet, the horizontal relations of society-world direct and permanent links between economic partners, cultural, religious and associations of all kinds, make the idea of \u200b\u200binternational long exceed the concept of "reason of state."
Only presidents and heads of state, although aware say they have not yet incorporated into their political practices taking into account the views of citizens and their ability to operate new and speedy ways of interaction with the rest of the world . Neither Calderon nor Sarkozy stopped to ask the opinion of its citizens how best to proceed with the crisis. Were tainted by the archaic and authoritarian "relations between nations" that ignores public opinion.
will have to leave behind the classical diplomacy, no more "note verbale" (which are written) and "special envoys" which have the wages only specials. Diversify actors, delegated decisions in the hands of those who are to perform specific actions contribute to a democratic multilateralization of diplomatic relations.
The best strategy for international relations is one that manages to make every citizen a goodwill ambassador. Thus the design of foreign policy will be left to the specialists, but the execution is democratized and you're less likely to confuse personal tantrums diplomatic incidents.
What results would yield a survey that asked French citizens Do you agree with Sarkozy's decision to prevent the presence of Mexican culture in France for a year? What result would give a survey that asked citizens of Mexico if they trust in the transparency of the Mexican justice system?
advice is to submit the case of Florence Cassez to the International Court of Justice, defended Mexico itself, where 51 U.S. citizens convicted without respect for due process and applied the same parameters to determine whether there was any hidden vices.
Other rescue the "Year of Mexico in France" that does not belong to the president but to the citizens, we have the right to culture and fraternal relations and creative. Perhaps it would suffice to remind Sarkozy and Calderon respectively that of "both between individuals and among nations respect the rights of others is peace" and universal principles of freedom, equality and fraternity. " -----------------
The origin of the conflict is not on the discrepancies that may have France or Mexico on the case of Florence Cassez French citizen, sentenced to 60 years in prison for kidnapping and possession of a firearm. The conflict escalated by arrogance and Sarkozy Calderón So confused the interests of the nation with their personal interests and media put on trial a sensitive issue that should be fixed in a discreet and effective negotiation.
A mistaken notion of diplomacy by the Mexican president had prevented the dissemination of culture and Mexican intellectual creation in France. For its part, the same flawed approach of diplomacy, the French government has closed the gates of France to the Mexican culture and the intelligentsia.
Canceling the "Year of Mexico in France", which apply both presidents is an act of censorship - authoritarian and vertical - that prevents Mexicans speak, act, dance or exhibit in France and French citizens robs her right to information, to know the various forms of cultural expression of Mexico, some of them many centuries.
Guilty or innocent
In this version 2 Pastry War is not go looking guilty or innocent, because the legal issues unrelated to the "Year of Mexico in France" and because there is sufficient evidence to know what actually happens.
Frenchman's side, while French justice rips the hair out by Florence Cassez, wants to deport to Spain Aurore Martin, also a French national, accused of "participation in a terrorist organization" by the High Court because his work as spokesperson between 2005 and 2008 Batasuna, outlawed in Spain but not in France for alleged links with ETA. 60 parliamentarians Basque-French announced their support for the former leader of Batasuna presenting a statement to the press in which he claimed Aurore-hosting in their homes and apartments because they are opposed to their delivery to Spain. Where is the consistency?
Could it be that before the foreign policy failures and inadequacies of the Chancellor repeated Michele Alliot Marie in Africa and the Middle East, the French president wants to give baths purity with Cassez affair? The
inglorious side of the Mexican justice, they are horrified Mexicans cases like Jacinta Marcial, Otomi Indian woman, 46, unjustly sentenced to 21 years in prison for the crime of kidnapping against six police officers and adopted by Amnesty International as a prisoner of conscience. These same Mexican television attended the release of Sergio Barraza Bocanegra, confessed murderer of his wife, Rubi, which culminated in the murder of the mother of the victim, human rights activist Maricela Escobedo, opposite the Palace of Government of Chihuahua and televised around the country thanks to security cameras.
My buddies go, those who applaud the movie "Presumed Guilty" that based on a real case shows how a young Mexican man was sentenced for murder without any evidence, because these involve themselves in the flag country and are dropped from the balcony of the national dignity to defend the sentence to 60 years Cassez, without taking a minute of rationality to analyze inconsistencies and loopholes that the case drags from the first day (which is soon to end the second.)
In Mexico, 41% of prisoners are tortured by police and 93% never saw a warrant when they were insured and if progressive Mexicans do not realize that you are endorsing corrupt as Gerardo García Luna to tomorrow violates the rights of any of us, we are back on democracy.
The Mexican foreign minister you can not criticize anything because it does nothing. The executive if he can question the total absence of a mature foreign policy that went astray thinking that a good ambassador in Washington and some incompetent sycophants in Los Pinos enough to maintain relationships and the country's image. Neither
colonial arrogance become more guilty Sarkozy Florence Cassez, or the awkwardness of Calderón and corrupt Mexican justice makes it more innocent. That must be determined by a competent and not corrupt Justice. The mess that the two presidents armed stranger to diplomacy and cultural relations and is motivated by domestic politics and the proximity of elections in both countries. Thus shows that the size of their egos is inversely proportional to his political stature.
diplomacy or international relations
Although globalization has spread to most areas of society, diplomacy resists social groups, individuals, members enter politics or academia in "its".
The foreign ministries and diplomatic academies close the doors to all actors who could think or act beyond the interests of the Executive. Management as if today were a specialty of the State of the elite and the citizens did not have anything to say about the decisions made in our name "on relations with other States or citizens.
At most, in the midst of a jingoistic flag fly and on behalf of the so-called "patriotic interests", it asks the media to support a government initiative and make the bulk of the people, by dint of view and see and hear and hear, we make it our own and defend it uncritically.
While the Heads of State and their diplomatic give back to the vitality of contemporary societies, large public sectors operate, influence and relate horizontally throughout the world. Most of the time, able to generate statements of opinion in other countries long before the first "note verbale" arrives by courier or first "special envoy" to do anteroom in ministry of foreign affairs.
The world is tiny and today the company has ceased to be a passive actor to become an actor in international relations. If they are so called, is because they are "between nations" and not between selected initiates. Immediate communication via the Internet, the horizontal relations of society-world direct and permanent links between economic partners, cultural, religious and associations of all kinds, make the idea of \u200b\u200binternational long exceed the concept of "reason of state."
Only presidents and heads of state, although aware say they have not yet incorporated into their political practices taking into account the views of citizens and their ability to operate new and speedy ways of interaction with the rest of the world . Neither Calderon nor Sarkozy stopped to ask the opinion of its citizens how best to proceed with the crisis. Were tainted by the archaic and authoritarian "relations between nations" that ignores public opinion.
will have to leave behind the classical diplomacy, no more "note verbale" (which are written) and "special envoys" which have the wages only specials. Diversify actors, delegated decisions in the hands of those who are to perform specific actions contribute to a democratic multilateralization of diplomatic relations.
The best strategy for international relations is one that manages to make every citizen a goodwill ambassador. Thus the design of foreign policy will be left to the specialists, but the execution is democratized and you're less likely to confuse personal tantrums diplomatic incidents.
What results would yield a survey that asked French citizens Do you agree with Sarkozy's decision to prevent the presence of Mexican culture in France for a year? What result would give a survey that asked citizens of Mexico if they trust in the transparency of the Mexican justice system?
advice is to submit the case of Florence Cassez to the International Court of Justice, defended Mexico itself, where 51 U.S. citizens convicted without respect for due process and applied the same parameters to determine whether there was any hidden vices.
Other rescue the "Year of Mexico in France" that does not belong to the president but to the citizens, we have the right to culture and fraternal relations and creative. Perhaps it would suffice to remind Sarkozy and Calderon respectively that of "both between individuals and among nations respect the rights of others is peace" and universal principles of freedom, equality and fraternity. " -----------------