Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What Do Mexicans Look Like

Monografico Square in a square

Hi,,, next Saturday, 4 December, 10 to 2.30,,, give a very entertaining way,,,, we use the square in a square rule for a sample block with it, you will be surprised the amount of possibilities we can do with it, for stars,,, borders, blocks, triangles,,,, and best of all, you never sewn any point, ,, based on strips of fabric squares and see how to get a perfect set of a very simple,,,,

if you want further information, you can call me at 983 298594, or by mail,,, maquinasdecoservalladolid@gmail.com

Happy week ,,,,,,

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Lump Onthumb Not Wart

First meeting of Patchwork, Asturias 2010

Hi, in the end we have encouraged and we have come to Oviedo,,, we thought we could not go by the weather forecast, but a last minute check on the status of roads and we went there,,, has been a short trip, we arrived yesterday at 6 pm today at 2 and went out again to Valladolid, because they told us now if he was going to snow,,, so best day to make the trip in case, but all we found was a splendid sun,, the Picos de Europa glittered with snow on their summits,,,, ,,,,, beautiful scenery
As the meeting say it was very well organized and had a lot of exposed parts of all kinds and for all tastes, I have been surprised by the amount of work lucian all over the walls and sites ancient fish Square Oviedo, certainly a beautiful city and very well maintained,,,,
I put a few pictures of the lot I've done, I hope you enjoy them:

is just a small sample of what he had,,, was a pleasure to see so many work together,,,, plus also had a lot of very entertaining workshops ,,,, I had pointed to one on Sunday morning, was to Soco consisita and doing a little house switchman,,, I've been so happy with "my house" to Valladolid,,, thanks Soco, has been a pleasure to share with you and all the girls who were in the workshop that while,, certainly, to me was Victoria Todopiwiki , and also the girl Jejoma a creative sewing ,, girls, I was delighted to meet you,, keep in touch with our blogs,, with which I have spoken more has been with Shell,,, of Patchwork Shell,,,, also went with her husband and came from Huesca,,,, 7 short hours of travel and I complained that they were 3,,, anyway I think we deserved the penalty because we have seen a lot of things and seen new faces, all in an unbeatable atmosphere .,,,,,
a picture here ,,,,,

is also always a pleasure to be back with Rosario Casanovas, who, as president of AEP, had come to Oviedo for the occasion:

Here I put the photo of "my house "

Way With Isabel and I made this flower pot,,, is very beautiful, more flowers will certainly to have my own flower pot patchwork

And this quilt is Langreo Pili,,,, I told you so Pili, I really like how you have been,,:

workshops taught children the Angeles, and the children were so happy with what they did,,, my daughter was making a Hello Kitty, which serves as a brooch and wrist, so happy that she was,,,,

Well, because this is my summary of this trip, I hope I have made an entry too long ,,,,,

Happy week

Monday, November 15, 2010

Chicken Pox Virus Lifespan In Air


Hi chic @ s,,,, had time wanting to get me one and after seeing that many of vosotr @ s You have encouraged these days, because that, that have encouraged me and I have it :

I really like has been,, here you have it inside :

And here on the outside, as the fabrics are so nice, I opted to make a quilt stitching only,, so look for themselves:

I have already stored within blocks of the quilt Mi Casa I'm doing, recogiditos and are very stretched, so l @ s you interested in making one,, say it is super easy and is done in a couple of while,,,, and if you need any explanation, you can ask what you need ,,,,,

The fabrics are a pack charms collection Fashion Bliss , arrived Friday at the store and I could not resist, it seems to me a collection of the most beautiful, all are precious, here you get all fabrics displayed so that you see, and if you are encouraged , we have them on sale here

I have also finished the tapestry collection of Eva Gustems Africa color,, I started applying for the course,,,, is very fun to do and takes little time since the size is smaller, , I like the way it has been,,, I'll have to make your couple so they look the two together,,, ha, ha, ha ,,,,,

And to my post here today, I hope that you have a nice week and that they spread the odd jobs I ,,,,,,,, pending

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sucessrate Eye Muscle Operation

roll blocks or block course and third objective Bedspread My House

Hi, Here again,,, while many of you were enjoying Creative Barcelona,,, for here too we had a very good, the truth is that the process of implementation has given us a lot,,, to meet new friends,,, to laugh for a while all together, and of course to learn a lot of stuff,,, we have begun to assemble the kits Eva Gustems of the color of Africa, and since then, has spread, some have taken it all applied, the truth is that it is a pleasure to work on these parts as colorful and appreciated, because then want to see finished work, if any animais you to start it,,, the kits we have in the shop, you can see the here,,,
Here I leave the group photo,,, girls, have gone all pretty well,,, ha, ha, ha, ha ,,,,,, thanks to all for coming and making us so great a day ,,,,,

And now I teach my third objective block of the Quilt My House.,, I are loving it,,

This salt is organizing what Celia, his blog la petite Couturière , from here I thank you, because without her I would not have encouraged push to start it,,, and I also thank Rosa, one of my students, before the summer was everything to start and this week has brought this:

Congratulations Rosa, you are being very cool,,, I told you, I love and I've put the batteries to finish mine soon.

That's it for today,,, Happy week ,,,,,,,

Monday, November 1, 2010

Blurred Vision Like A Kaleidoscope

This is the pumpkin my daughter Mary prepared for Halloween,,, I step between the pumpkin bomb,,, the costume and "trick or treat", the truth is that it is a party that is super fun for kids,,,,

And this is the tapestry of Halloween that started my son and his girlfriend two years ago,,,, if chic @ as,,, between the two sewed it,, I applied and joined the four blocks, but there it was, and I found it the other day and I said now is the time to finish ,, so this week I have been to finish, padded and putting the typical look details, and finally,,, looks in the window of the store,,,, although it has been a long job to finish by time that had begun, now that is finished I really like the result ,,,,,, and told me what do you think ,,,,,

ratitos And also, during these holidays, I been sewing other stuff,,, had eager to get the panel Christmas Sal Carolina,,, has been very entertaining, I loved it, the little houses, the reindeer, Santa Claus,,,, thanks for your time Carolina in preparing this salt so nice,,,,
I decided to put the base fabric with linen cloths and I liked the effect Telitas done with Christmas, the truth is that the implementation work I like and this is still much more for Nancy Halvorsen designs are beautiful,,,, I have almost ready to quilt, but I lack some details and then the embroidery, the thing is I have no very clear what I put,, tomorrow decide

tb And finally I started the quilt Tilda,,,, for three years that I have the original book in Norwegian I have always wanted to make this quilt, but never took the time ,,, now I'm encouraged by Celia has organized a SAL through his blog, the petite Couturière ,,,,
thanks Celia for organizing this salt, we continue to see on the following objectives ,,,,,

put my trees here so the first goal

And the house of the second objective:

The three blocks together :

You see, I has spread a little,, to see if I slowly put up with lots of goodies begun, I also want to continue the Esperanza Sampler ,,, that I have a little forgotten, , but hey, little by little we are moving ,,,,,

you enjoy what we have left Monday's public holiday until the next ,,,,,,